Urban 3 Infill

“Urban infill” is about adding more homes to existing residential neighbourhoods in areas that are close to jobs, shopping and services. This includes:

  • Replacing an older house with a new house or a duplex
  • Subdividing a larger lot into smaller lots with smaller houses
  • Adding an accessory unit (secondary suite, garden suite or coach house)

The intent of urban infill is to add new homes in a gentle way that retains the character of existing neighbourhoods. Approximately 5,600 lots in Abbotsford are designated for this type of development in the 2016 Official Community Plan, known as Urban 3-Infill. From late 2017-2019, the City completed an Urban Infill Study to prepare regulations and policies for this area. Details about each stage of the planning process and the outcomes of the Study are provided below.
