Public Hearing Changes for 2024:
In response to Provincial legislative changes, Public Hearings will only be held for amendments to the City's Official Community Plan, and will be scheduled, as required, for 6 pm.
2025 Council & Committee Meeting Schedule
Upcoming Meetings and Agenda Packages
Meeting agenda packages are available online below by the end of business day on the Friday preceding the meeting. Meetings are held in accordance with the Community Charter and the City's Council Procedure Bylaw, 2023.
View Meetings & Agenda Packages
Past Meeting Agenda Packages, Minutes and Reports
View all past Council and Committee meeting agendas, minutes and reports online.
Council Meeting Disclaimers and Details
Attend In-Person or Watch the Live-Stream of Council Meetings
Council meetings are held in-person and registration is not required to attend. The date, time, and location of upcoming Council meetings are listed in the table at the top of this page. Meetings will be live-streamed and then archived online.
Submit Written Comments
Those who would like to provide feedback on agenda items, where there is an opportunity for public input, may do so electronically to the City Clerk at, by mail to: City Clerk, City of Abbotsford, 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 1W7, or deliver in person to City Hall.
Please note that the submission deadline is 9:00 am on the Monday before the meeting.
Please note all submissions are a matter of public record. These submissions will be recorded in the meeting minutes and will be posted on our website.
Provide Your Comments In-Person at the Meeting
Where there is an opportunity for public input, you may provide your comments in-person at the meeting. Please note that a five-minute time limit is in effect for people who wish to speak during an opportunity for public input.
Please note all verbal submissions are a matter of public record and will be recorded in the meeting minutes.
Electronic versions of City of Abbotsford Council agenda packages are posted for convenience only. Some items included in the agenda packages for Council may not be available on the website due to reproduction difficulties. The City's goal is to make Council agenda information available as soon as possible; however, electronic information is subject to change. The City does not warrant or make any representations as to the quality, content, accuracy, or completeness of the information, text, graphics, and other items contained on its web pages, nor will the City be liable or responsible for damages of any kind arising out of the use of electronic agenda information.
The City's electronic repository includes the following information:
Closed Meeting of Council
- Matters considered at the Closed Meeting of Council relate to sections 91 and 92 of the Community Charter.
- Notice of a Closed Meeting of Council will be posted in the table above, and will indicate the reasons for that particular Closed meeting.
Public Hearings
- Public Hearings are meetings of City Council which are held to provide the public with an opportunity to convey their views on official community plan amendments. Public Hearings must be held before Council adopts an amendment to the Official Community Plan Bylaw.
- Public Hearings will be scheduled, as required, and will be held at 6 pm.
- Public input regarding items on the Public Hearing agenda may be submitted to no later than 9:00 a.m. on the Monday before the Public Hearing. Please note that all submissions are a matter of public record.
- Council considers all information received at a Public Hearing (written and verbal) prior to making a decision on each development application. The public may also submit written correspondence for the Public Hearing. Council is not permitted to receive further input or information after a Public Hearing has been held and has concluded. View our Public Hearing video to learn more about the process.
Council Meeting
- Council meetings are held in the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium. Minutes, correspondence, reports, bylaws, tender awards, and budget approvals are considered at these meetings. There are may also be an opportunity for public input on specific items as detailed on the Council Meeting agenda. You may provide your input through submitting written comments, or by providing your comments in-person at the meeting. Full details are below for reference.
Submit Written Comments
- Those who would like to provide feedback on agenda items, where there is an opportunity for public input, may do so electronically to the City Clerk at, by mail to: City Clerk, City of Abbotsford, 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 1W7, or deliver in person to City Hall.
- Please note that the submission deadline is 9:00 a.m. on the day before the meeting.
- Please note all submissions are a matter of public record. These submissions will be recorded in the meeting minutes and will be posted on our website.
Provide Your Comments In-Person at the Meeting
- Where there is an opportunity for public input, you may provide your comments in-person at the meeting. Please note that a five-minute time limit is in effect for people who wish to speak during an opportunity for public input.
- Please note all verbal submissions are a matter of public record and will be recorded in the meeting minutes.
Public Hearing Frequently Asked Questions
There are various forms of notifications for upcoming Public Hearings as follows:
Postcards: Leading up to the Public Hearing, postcards are mailed to the owners and occupants of properties within a certain radius of the boundaries of the subject property (radius is determined upon the type of Amendment), providing notification of the upcoming Public Hearing, including general details of the development, how to get more information, and how to submit comments regarding the proposal.
Newspaper Notifications: Prior to a Public Hearing, notice of the time and place of each Public Hearing is also included on the City Page for two consecutive issues of the Abbotsford News. This notice provides similar information as what is included on the postcards mailed to nearby properties. Copies of the City Page ads are also available online at
Public Hearing Agenda Notifications: In addition to postcards and newspaper ads, agendas of upcoming Public Hearings are posted on the 1st floor of City Hall, by the Friday prior to the Public Hearing. Agenda packages for Public Hearings are also available on the City’s website at, also by the Friday afternoon prior to the Public Hearing.
Development Signs: After a Bylaw receives second reading, the Public Hearing information will be posted on the associated development sign, which is located on the subject property, including the date and time of the Public Hearing and the link to the corresponding Council Report. -
If you believe you or your property is affected by the proposal, the following options are available to you:
- Provide a written submission
- Participate at a Public Hearing
Providing a Written Submission
Written submissions should be submitted by 9:00 am on the Monday before the Public Hearing. Please note that all correspondence submitted to the City of Abbotsford in response to a Public Hearing matter will form part of the public record, and will be recorded in the minutes of the Public Hearing. Written submissions can be sent by the following methods:
- Email:
- Mail: 5th Floor – 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 1W7
- In person: 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC, 5th Floor – Legislative Services - City Clerk’s Office
Participate at a Public Hearing
Public Hearings are open to all members of the public. If you believe that you are affected by a proposed land use application, you may make a presentation at, or submit written comments at a scheduled Public Hearing. A five minute time limit is in effect for people who wish to speak at a Public Hearing.
Please arrive a few minutes before the scheduled 6:00 pm start time of the Public Hearing. This will allow time to pick up a copy of the agenda, find a seat, and become familiar with the auditorium.
All Public Hearings follow the same procedure:
- The Mayor reads an opening statement to the public, indicating what will happen during the Public Hearing.
- Staff will give a descriptive overview of what is proposed by the bylaw.
- Members of the public are invited to address Council at the podium.
- Speakers are provided with five minutes to comment on the proposed bylaw
- Speakers will be asked to state their name and address, then indicate whether or not they support the bylaw and why.
- Speakers may also present written submissions to the Corporate Officer.
- Once all speakers have been provided the opportunity to address Council once, they may address Council a second time at the Mayor’s direction.
- When there is no one else wishing to speak, Council will pass a motion to close the Public Hearing.
Please note that the Public Hearing is the public’s last opportunity to present its views to Council on these matters. Once the Public Hearing has concluded, Council is not permitted to receive any new information about the item on the Public Hearing agenda until after Council adopts, or defeats the proposed bylaw.
Copies of the proposed bylaw and the relevant background reports can be reviewed without an appointment in the Planning Services Department on the second floor of City Hall during regular business hours. Council Reports are also available online on the City’s website.
Questions about the proposed bylaw and its development application should be directed to Planning Services at 604-864-5510. -
Following the close of a Public Hearing, the Mayor will immediately call to order a Council meeting. At this meeting, Council will consider third reading of the bylaws that were the subject of the Public Hearing. Council may decide to proceed with the bylaw, make changes to the bylaw, or not proceed.
Note that third reading of a bylaw may not take place on the same night as the Public Hearing. Council may instead postpone the vote to a future Council meeting and/or request additional information from staff. -
By Phone: If you have questions or concerns, please call the City Contact shown on the Public Hearing notice if you received one in the mail or as shown in the Public Hearing advertisement published in the local newspaper. Otherwise, call Planning Services at 604-864-5510 to be directed to the appropriate staff member.
On the City Website: Public Hearing agendas, including staff reports and the proposed bylaws are available for viewing and printing the City website under City Hall – City Council - Agendas & Minutes- Public Hearing Agendas.
At City Hall: Copies of the proposed bylaw, supporting Council and Committee Reports and other background material, are also available for inspection at the Planning & Development Services Department at City Hall, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing 10 days before the Public Hearing and ending on the day of the Public Hearing.
By Fax or Mail: Council reports and the proposed bylaws may also be obtained by fax or by standard mail, by calling Planning Services at 604-864-5510 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing 10 days before the Public Hearing and ending on the day of the Public Hearing. -
Members of the public should be aware that they may be recorded as part of the live web stream broadcast of Regular Council meetings. By attending the meeting, you consent to your personal information being collected and disclosed under the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
During the Public Hearing process, names and addresses are collected under the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will only be used for the purposes of the Public Hearing.