The Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service is responsible for the prevention and suppression of fires, the mitigation of the effects of dangerous goods incidents, assisting in the rescue of people from potentially dangerous situations, and assisting with medical emergencies.
Updates & Highlights

Now Hiring: Career Firefighters
Firefighters are highly trained professionals, skilled in firefighting, rescue operations, hazardous material training, medical emergencies, motor vehicle accidents and other specialized services.

Fireworks are banned in our City
The Fireworks Bylaw prohibits the sale, possession and discharge of fireworks within the City’s borders. Residents caught with fireworks will be subject to fines ranging up to $50,000 and their fireworks will be confiscated.

Check Before You Burn
Open burning permits will be issued for the Fall season (October 1 - November 30) for agricultural waste in rural areas. Burning outside of these designated seasons is not permitted.

Fire Safety Prevention for the Home
View the Fire Prevention information and resources including fire inspections, fire permits and safety plans.

Fire Safety Education - Learn How to Stay Safe
View the many resources on fire safety and school programs.

Fire Prevention Week October 6 - October 12
This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!™” strives to educate everyone about the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home. Join us for a Family Night Open House on Wednesday October 9, 2024.