Accessibility and Translation

Accessibility Feedback

Please submit any comments or suggestions related to accessibility through our Report an Issue tool.

Abbotsford’s Commitment to Accessibility 

The City is committed to supporting the full participation of persons with disabilities by maintaining inclusive services, programs, infrastructure and communication and identifying, reducing, and preventing barriers to provide residents with an inclusive and accessible experience. We will provide an accessible environment in which residents and visitors can access municipal services, programs and facilities, in a way that meets their individual needs.

Abbotsford’s Accessibility and Equity Advisory Committee - Meetings are held every 2-months at City Hall. Please check the Committee webpage for more information. 

Accessible British Columbia Act (ABCA) - The ABCA was enacted in June 2021, and addresses barriers to access for people with disabilities in a range of areas including employment, service delivery, the built environment, information and communications, transportation, health, education, and procurement. 

View the ABCA

Community Accessibility Plan

The Community Accessibility Plan carefully considered the principles of inclusion, adaptability, diversity, collaboration, self-determination, and universal design. Please click on each goal below to learn more about the projects, or view the full Community Accessibility Plan.

Four Key Focus Areas 

The City has developed a Community Accessibility Plan that includes actions that are organized according to the four key focus areas and consider a breadth of the services, facilities and communication.  

Website Accessibility

The City of Abbotsford is committed to making our website more accessible and we are continuing to assess our website content and structure and make improvements to our site.  Currently, our website uses third party accessibility and translations tools to provide our visitors with a wide range of tools to access information. 

Improvements we have made:

  • Using a third party tool to improve content readability and accessibility
  • Using a third party tool to provide screen readers and page simplifiers
  • Providing alternative text for all images
  • Offering Google Translate
  • Editing content to ensure it's in plain language
  • Responsive website design to ensure easy access to website information across all smart devices
  • Ongoing accessibility review by third party to improve any accessibility issues found