Dave Loewen

Councillor Dave Loewen, in a dark suit with a white shirt and green patterned tie.
Current Appointments
  • Chair, Community, Culture and Environment Advisory Committee
  • Fraser Valley Regional District Board
  • Fraser Valley Regional Hospital District Board
  • Fraser Valley Regional District, Community Health & Social Innovation Hub (UFV)

Dave was born and raised in Abbotsford, attending South Poplar Elementary, MEI, and Abbotsford Secondary schools, and has watched Abbotsford grow from a small town into a vibrant, multi-cultural community with a rich heritage and a diverse and strong economic base.
Dave is a retired educator, having taught two years in Australia, three in Manitoba, and 32 at MEI, including three years as principal of the secondary school and two years as principal at MEI Chilliwack. He holds a B.A. (Sociology) from Simon Fraser University and a M.Ed. (Administration) from the University of Victoria. Trained as a Social Science teacher, his career began as a German teacher and ended as an English teacher, supporting the adage that “old dogs can learn new tricks”!
Following high school, he volunteered two years with MCC in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which included assuming management of a hostel at age 19 and community development work in a remote part of the Kivu Province, near Bukavu. He has served on numerous boards and committees over the years: MCC BC Board member for 10 years, including vice-chair and chair positions, and numerous sub-committees; national and local church boards; chair of the Canadian Mennonite University Council, Winnipeg; Director on the B.C. Federation of Independent Schools Associations Board; Director on the Heart2Heart (Haiti) Board; and Director on the Mennonite Historical Society of B.C. Board.
Dave and his wife, Grace, a registered nurse, are members of Level Ground Mennonite Church, and he is a member of the Rotary Club of Abbotsford where he has been recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow. Dave served as Abbotsford’s Canada 150 Community Leader as the touchpoint for receiving and sharing information related to Canada’s 150th anniversary. Dave has a keen interest in family history and genealogy, both of which occupy some of his leisure time. He has authored and published several books and numerous articles on family history. He enjoys the outdoors (hiking, snowshoeing, canoeing), as well as fitness-related activities.
Dave and Grace have two married sons and seven grandchildren. Dave and Grace enjoy travelling, which has taken them to six continents (some with student groups on service assignments) and to many parts of North America.

Committees and Community Groups

Dave was first elected to City Council in 2005 and is now serving in his sixth term. His responsibilities on Council have included most committees including Chair, Community, Culture and Environment Advisory Committee, Mission-Abbotsford Transit Committee; Abbotsford Social Development Advisory Committee; City Industrial Development Advisory Committee; City Economic Development Advisory Committee; Environmental Advisory Committee; Abbotsford Youth Commission; Matsqui Dyking, Drainage and Irrigation Committee; Audit Committee; Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Development; Abbotsford Arts Council; and the Fraser Valley Regional District Board. He has chaired the Homelessness Action Advisory Committee, the Parks, Recreation and Culture committee and the Community, Culture and Environment Advisory Committee.