Invasive Species

Invasive species are non-native plants, animals, and insects that were introduced without their natural predators and pathogens that help to keep them under control in their native habitats.

Negative effects of invasive species:

  • Spread aggressively and take over the natural environment.
  • Push out native plants, including endangered species, and destroy habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife.
  • Cause erosion and silt problems in creeks and impact aquatic creatures.
  • Are expensive to control and eradicate.
  • Result in destruction of property such as driveways, buildings, lawns, and garden beds.
  • Some, like Giant Hogweed, are dangerous to human health.

Invasive Animals and Insects in Abbotsford

Invasive Plants in Abbotsford

Some invasive plants have been designated as a noxious weed under the Weed Control Regulation of the BC Weed Control Act. This Act imposes a duty on all land occupiers to control designated noxious weeds to protect our natural resources and industry from the negative impacts of noxious weeds. Residents are also required to control noxious weeds as per the City's Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 1256-2003.

City departments actively control noxious weeds found on public lands. Additionally, the City relies on the Fraser Valley Regional District Noxious Weed Program to target the following noxious weeds: Tansy Ragwort, Wild Chervil, Giant Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed. 

Report Invasive Plants

The City is asking for the community's help to identify noxious weeds in Abbotsford and to work towards their containment and potentially their elimination. Please report all noxious weeds in Abbotsford only, by using the form below or by contacting a City of Abbotsford Environmental Coordinator by email or 604-864-5510.

Please fill in your name and contact information in case we need more specific directions, or if you would like a follow-up on what we found.

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What type of invasive weed have you found? (check one or more of the following)

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