Kelly Chahal

Councillor Kelly Chahal, in a black blazer over a white shirt, with a tartan sash draped over the left shoulder
Current Appointments
  • Chair, Public Safety Advisory Committee
  • Fraser Valley Regional District Board
  • Fraser Valley Regional Hospital District Board
  • Chair, Fraser Valley Regional District, Human Resources Committee

Kelly Chahal has been a community advocate for the past 20 years. She has been involved in many social justice projects and has volunteered with the Fraser Valley Indo Canadian Business Association. Kelly is also a member of Senate with the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) as an ex-officio member of the UFV Alumni Board, and is a member on the Advisory Board for the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies and the community Literacy Action Committee.

Kelly has also developed and facilitated diversity training for various employment sectors and educational institutions in her pursuit to promote intercultural relations. Her experience and service have resulted in service awards and acclamations. Kelly has her Master in Criminal Justice and works for the Ministry of Justice. Kelly has a son and daughter, and is proud to serve her community that she has raised her family in.