Prepare in April – Grab-and-Go Kit

Everyone should have their own kit (some supplies are for the group). Encourage kids to make their own kits, too, because what’s important to them, may not be as important to you. In the event of fire or rapid evacuation, you’ll appreciate having more than just the clothes on your back.

  • Every member of your household should have a grab-and-go kit.  These kits are intended for short-term use. Ideally, everyone should have a Grab and Go at home, at work or school, and in the vehicle.  These kits should be in easy-to-carry bags such as a backpack or small carry-on-size suitcase.
  • These grab-and-go bags are intended for just that – when an emergency happens – you grab the bag and you go.
  • In the bag will be essentials to get you through a few days.  Include things such as food, water, flashlight, batteries, phone charger, radio with batteries or crank style, whistle, toiletries, first aid kit, multi-purpose tool, important documents (ID, insurance, contact list), out-of-area contact, garbage bag, medications (including Tylenol or aspirin), change of clothes, sunglasses, extra prescription glasses, notepad and pen, book or game, and rain poncho.
  • In your kids' grab-and-go kit – include kid-friendly activities, books, and a favourite stuffy.
  • Don’t forget a pet grab-and-go kit that includes treats, food, water, doggie bags, and an extra leash.  

Emergency Preparedness Resources