Business Resources

Business Resources, Grants, Funding and Financial Opportunities

This resource document provides helpful information and resources to support you in the growth and development of your business in Abbotsford. It includes lists and information on local, provincial, federal and First Nations grant and funding opportunities; local and provincial programs, events and workshops; tool kits and templates; business directories and memberships; and, workforce resources.

View Business Resource Guide

Your Business Hub

Your Business Hub is a one-stop shop for all your City-related business needs. From building permits, business licenses, community planning, procurement opportunities, maps and special events permits, you are one click away from all-things business.


The AbbyFresh Directory was created by the Economic Development Table, a network of organizations in Abbotsford that have a role in economic development. The AbbyFresh directory was created to support local farms, producers, processors and markets in Abbotsford through the power of connection — connecting local producers with local consumers, building relationships, nurturing traditions, and forging a path toward a sustainable and vibrant future for our agricultural industry. AbbyFresh is a free, marketing directory to showcase your local food business. 

Visit AbbyFresh

Canada/USA Trade Resources