Water Conservation

Using Water Wisely During Extreme Heat

Due to the extreme temperatures and high water demands, the Abbotsford Mission Water & Sewer Commission would like to remind residents to try to conserve and use water wisely. Water is a great way to cool off during extreme temperatures, but please remember not to waste it. All our small uses add up.

Please do your part. Conserve and Reserve! For more information visit ourwatermatters.ca.

Sprinkling & Watering Restrictions

Water is often taken for granted, especially in our area where water resources are abundant and rainfall is plentiful for the majority of the year. However, our climate is changing and our population and our economy continue to grow, increasing the demands and pressures on our water resources. We need to adapt to climate change and think about intergenerational equity.

Sign Up for My City Online

  • Register at abbotsford.ca/mycity
  • Use the register link to create an account
  • When you receive the confirmation email, follow the instructions to complete your registration. 
  • When your registration is complete, log into your MyCity account and use the “Edit Account” button and register your utility account and access code. These can be found on your last bill.
  • Click on the water portal icon and start conserving and reserving! 

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