Abbotsford Urban Infill 3 Study

Setting the Record Straight

The first draft of regulations relating to the City of Abbotsford’s Urban 3 Infill Study were presented to Abbotsford City Council on July 23, 2018 . At this meeting, Council directed staff to continue research and report back on their findings at a later meeting. 

Abbotsford City Council has not yet made any decisions about the specifics of infill for our community. 

Since July 2018, staff have been reviewing a number of infill studies, and are currently developing draft regulations for Council’s review that will include considerations such as basement height, floor space permissions and house massing.

An update on the infill process is set to be presented to Council in Spring 2019. At that time, Council will consider recommendations from staff and potentially make some decisions related to how infill will be implemented across the community.

The City's Urban 3 Infill Study page provides additional information on the infill process undertaken to date.